Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Teacher training- 1st day over

The first day is done over here despite the odd bit of rain that hit and it went down a treat with the teachers, they are lovely teachers over here with a great sense of humor.

We ran through sessions with the grade 2-3 & 4-5 (where the age of the kids is 7-10 yrs old ) over in Darlington Tech college about 10-15 miles from where we have been based during the weeks leading up. Another day of training teacher tomorrow then helping them run through sessions on Thursday.

Yesterday (Monday) had been our setting up day and inevitably with all setup there was a few realizations with us... 'Shit we needed that as well'

It feels oh so familiar to some of the workshop's I have run in the museum and even some of the stuff I used to do solo, so many years ago ...

We had to get our own lunch on site today but the only vendor there is Chick-fil-a.
where have a guess what they sell... Chicken with everything. Much in the style of the classic Monty python spam comedy.

and even the side salad was not looking appetizing... Don't get me wrong I have nothing against broccoli as a type of vegetable but a pat of a cold salad inside my intestines... I think not.

As I said it went really well with teachers and in the evening we went to Perry's house for a quick BBQ cook out and the we dipped into some gorgeous Tequila avocado dip. Yeah, how much of a middle class person have I turned into, when I start using the words tequila and not include the words 'Blind Drunk' or 'Marguerita'.
