Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Estate Agents & Photos

Well today is the day when I can announce my Itinary!

I will be flying to:
New Zealand

Yes I am going to Fiji!
Want to know where Fiji is (I had no real idea!), go to this link

Today, I have managed to deal with over 6 estate agents during the day, as they looked round the flat here in Hammersmith. Which is about 7 more than anybody should ever have to deal with. The first one took 10-15 mins to get out of the house, but by the end I had managed to get the banter down to 5 mins...and get thier asses out of the house.

If you can think of a painfull ways for a estate agent to die please let me know.

Oh and i also have some wonderful new piccies from the party at the Dana centre (1st april), I am just thankfull I was gloriously Sober all night long.. and didn't step up to teh mic and start singing and torturing people with my voice... ah, oh dear.
